Just a quick reminder, the posted deadline for the next Altered Bits Zine is September 1st.  The current issue’s theme is “Black and White”.  If interested in participating, send hi-res photos, title of your piece, a short blurb about your piece, your name and location, contact info and a brief bio.  Oh, and if it’s for sale.  This zine will include any or all of the following: assemblages, found object art, paintings, mixed media pieces, jewelry, photography, hand-made or altered books — just keep it within the black and white theme and you could be in this next issue.  The last issue was viewed by over 3k people within the first week or two so this is a fun way to let others see just how amazingly talented you are!  I may push the deadline out a bit due to it being summer and traveling time for many of us but don’t let that delay you.  🙂  (kerin!)  (just kidding)

You can find all the details on my main website, Altered Bits, HERE on the zine page.  Or you can just email me everything mentioned above to: hi at altered bits dot com.

Also, I’ve started adding a link section to this blog for all past zine participants.  I am super slow and have only added a fraction of what I should.  Feel free to leave a comment with your URL if I haven’t added it yet — it’s nothing personal — I’m just doing this as I have time… which I haven’t much these days.  🙂

Have a great and creative Monday!