One World One Heart was created by Lisa Swifka in 2007 as a way to bring bloggers together from all over the world. Last year over 900 bloggers from 28 countries participated! i am quite pleased to be participating and will be giving away the following:


black and white man and woman, mixed media art, collage

your choice of EITHER the black and white (er, black and coffee stained) man OR black and white woman, framed and matted in a 5″x7″ frame (as a 4×6 print).


an altoid or similar tin, with four frozen charlottes and some vintage buttons, nested in a bed of burlap and/or other fabric and/or lace.  it will slightly differ from the image displayed.


frida, ooak fabric and paper aceo

a OOAK fabric, paper, vintage lace and metal embellished ACEO/artist trading card with a lovely image of frida on it, made by me today, just for this give away.  the lace is obviously a tad wet still in the photo, sorry.  just wanted to get it up ASAP.


cracled window effect PDF tutorial

TWO crackled window PDF tutorials (well one tutorial each for two people ).  if you win, i will send you an ever so secret link so you can download it.


free digital collage sheets, give away

i will be giving away one digital collage sheet of your choice from my site: to TEN people. (six new sheets being added this week, btw.)

i had another piece in mind to make for this AND a couple of other supply-type items so check back over the next few days as i will be adding it if i get the time. that’s cheap, i know, sorry.

when commenting, please let me know which item(s) you are most interested in. make sure i have your email address or some means of being able to contact you.  the drawing will be FEBRUARY 15th, 2010 and i will use to generate winner — in the meantime, to remain sane, i’m going to number each comment so when the time comes, i don’t have to count a zillion times.  the winners will be posted sometime between the evening of the 15th and 17th (as i may be going out of town — my birthday is the 18th).  oh, and you MUST have a blog to win.

on a more personal note, i feel like a jerk for not getting back to a lot of you regarding bartering, or responding to emails.  one issue after another around here — short story this time is that i injured my neck and back horribly and haven’t been able to move much.  being on the computer and phone hurts so i’ve been avoiding it all.  huge apologies, especially to donna and jill and johnna and keriny ninny and the wonderful barterers.  i’ll get my act together soon, promise.  🙂  and AFTER that, i’ll post pulp contribution photo.  wohooo!

P.S. I think OWOH players have broken Blogger this evening.  I can’t leave comments on any of those.  Good thing I have WordPress.