free skeleton key image

first, i want to thank all of you who entered my recent giveaway of “steampunk emporium” by jema “emilly ladybird” hewitt and the little bundle of goodies.  the random number generator was a tad testy this morning, first picking every single international person, then kerin whom i know already has the book.  sheesh.

anyway, without further ado, here are the winners:

the winner of the little bundle of watch parts, gears, cogs and vintage beads is…
miss missy majchrzak buckley of the rust button

and the winner of the “steampunk emporium” book is…
miss lynn stevens of trash to treasure art

congratulations, ladies!  please send me your information and i will send yours right out, missy, and pass your mailing address onto northlight books, lynn.  (i will email you today too since i’m not expecting you to be sitting around hitting refresh on my blog all day)

free gears image, collage, art journal, steampunk

p.s. the two images in this post are from some new collage sheets that i have not yet posted on the altered bits website (they are in my etsy shop though) and are free to use for anyone who wishes to snatch ’em up for your collages, assemblages, art journals, ATCs or whatever.
